XP GMAXX II metal detector – thanks to its frequency of kHz is a powerful and versatile for coins and objects significant in various types of soil. It has new iron metals G-Maxx detector threshold settings audible warning II provides in real-time the most imperceptible signal output. Among the most powerful VLF detectors in the world and ranks among the best-selling metal detectors in class VLF metal detectors.
Due to its operating frequency of 4. Hz is an excellent versatile detector for finding coins and militaria in different soil types. Synthetic test for XP Gmaxx II with kopeeks and railway big nail. Rilevatore di metalli xp g-maxx ii: dd disco cm. Vendo metal detector xp gmaxx con piastra protezione m gancio porta md.
An important flexibility in the set up allows you to fit in with the ground you wish prospect, thanks to the Multi-Tones mode, the IRON LEVEL and the new IRON THRESHOLD adjustements. PROMO XP DEUS COMPLETO R. Potenza, velocità, precisione, leggerezza, compattezza sono le sue caratteristiche principali. The Gmaxx is one of the top selling metal detectors in mainland Europe, yet here in the UK you rarely see them being used…so what is it that the Europeans know that has obviously passed us by? The detector is the low-frequency version of XP’s hugely successful Goldmaxx Power (GMP).
The exciting NEW range of metal detectors from XP has arrived. The all new XP Gmaxx II comes with the entirely new and re-worked circuit board. This has been designed for better performance and gives higher sensitivity. The Gmaxx II will find deeper targets near iron thanks to the super fast recovery time. The XP Gmaxx II metal detectors has been designed for better performance and gives higher sensitivity.
The Gmaxx II detector finds deeper targets near iron thanks to the super fast recovery time. Visita eBay per trovare una vasta selezione di xp g-maxx. Scopri le migliori offerte, subito a casa, in tutta sicurezza.

Good average all round detector. Average depth by today’s standards, average among iron. NAILS BURIED AT ’’ DIRECTLY ABOVE IT. Disco di 27: Amazon. Passa al contenuto principale.
Iscriviti a Prime Ciao, Accedi Account e liste Accedi Account e liste Resi e ordini. Con il GmaxxII rilevare bersagli nobili vicino a metalli ferrosi oggi è più semplice e veloce. Consigliata per zone contaminate da materiali ferrosi.

La piastra è completamente stagna. XP GMaxx Reviews, Price and Specifications All-Purpose Land Metal Detector. Retail Price: $130. Available Reviews: Avg. Продава се металотърсач модел- XP GMaxx 2. Комплекта включва: 1. Бобина размер см.
Metal venduto di può chiudere, grazie Contacts. Piastra NEL SHARP PER XP Gmaxx XP N. La storia dei toni è vera, il Gmaxx ha toni inconfondibili, cmq su zone ww mai scavata una moneta, anche spazzolando pianino. XPlorer di nuova concezione, completamente senza fili, leggerissimo e in italiano. XP GMAXX II είναι ανιχνευτές μετάλλων πολυτονικοί, όσο αφορά το σίδηρο έχουμε δυνατότητα επιλογής του μεγέθους του, μέσω του κουμπιού IRON THRESHOLD που μεταβάλλει τον ηχητικό τόνο του σιδήρου μόνο, σε κλίμακα (μικρό σίδηρο πχ καρφί) έως (μεγάλο σιδερένιο αντικείμενο). Виолити - Антиквариат.

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